Well-known bands (for the most part?) and obvious clues.
Maybe the bands aren't as popular, maybe the clues require some more intepretation. Sometimes two or more words are separated by spaces to make it easier.
Most need you to think abstractly or think of sound-alike words or associations. Usually two or more word bands/names are separated by spaces to help out.
Patti Smith (An anvil emoji would be clutch, just saying.)
Tupac (And yes "two packs" is not the same as "two pocks.")
The Ramones (Literally!)
Neil Young and Crazy Horse (Because you KNEEL when you clasp your hands like that and pray...)
Taylor Swift (Not a fart cloud, even though it's what I use it that emoji for in real life.)
Guided By Voices (Ok, that's the "information desk" emoji and it's GUIDING you to the right, IT MAKES SENSE.)
Rammstein (Prost!)
Azealia Banks (Technically a hibiscus, but close enough.)
Gillian Welch (Is this the hardest one? Maybe..."Gill Welsh"...sorry not sorry, she's the best.)